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By Lena Howland
KOAA 5, July 25, 2016

DENVER - Efforts to raise Colorado's minimum wage to $12 an hour are moving forward after Colorado Families for a Fair Wage submitted 200,000 signatures to the Secretary of State on Monday afternoon. ... The campaign held a rally in Denver on Monday, before turning in the signatures, which showcased dozens of supporters who want to see our minimum wage jump to $12 an hour by the year 2020.

"Let's raise the wage!" Yoav Lurie, CEO and Founder of Simple Energy in Boulder said. ...

It's something Yoav Lurie, owner of Simple Energy, a software company based out of Boulder has been pushing for.

"One: We know that raising the wage leads to better results," he said. "Two: It puts more money in our customer's pockets, money that they're going to spend in the local economy with us."

All along, this campaign has said this boost will help small business owners. ...


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