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By Rudi Keller
Mexico Ledger (MO), Aug 2, 2018

... Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft on Thursday certified five ballot measures for the Nov. 6 election. The medical marijuana proposals will appear alongside two other measures proposed by petition: Amendment 1, which would strengthen ethics laws and revise how election districts are decided, and Proposition B, which would raise the minimum wage to $12 an hour by 2023. ...

“Missouri’s minimum wage of $7.85 an hour is too low for even full-time workers to afford their basics: food, rent and more,” Bob Goodrich, president of the theater chain that includes Forum 8 in Columbia, said in a news release. “It hurts businesses and the economy when working people don’t have enough income to keep a roof overhead, put food on the table, and enjoy needed recreation like a movie every once in a while.”

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