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Who We Are

Business for a Fair Minimum Wage is a national network of business owners, executives and business organizations that believe fair pay makes good business sense. From small local businesses to regional and national brands, our members make clear that raising the minimum wage and fairly compensating workers is good for business and our economy.

Business Roundtable with Maryland Governor Moore
Roundtable with Maryland Gov. Wes Moore
Florida Businesses Support #YesOn2

Our Impact

Business for a Fair Minimum Wage played a lead role in winning the last federal minimum wage increase and raising minimum wages across the country – including Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Washington DC, and many more. We have significantly shifted public debate and action, and our large and growing nationwide roster of business spokespeople provides trusted sources for policymakers and media.

See Current Sign On Statements

Our History

Since our founding in 2006, Business for a Fair Minimum Wage has educated, organized and publicized business support for raising the minimum wage and other fair employment policies at federal, state and local levels. We organized groundbreaking business support to win the last federal minimum wage raise – and, more recently, the $15 by 2025 Raise the Wage Act that passed the U.S. House of Representatives – and a multitude of state and local increases across the country. Our work continues to assure wages people can live on and boost businesses, communities and the economy.

Congressional Raise the Wage Press Conference