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By Rudi Keller
Columbia Daily Tribune, Aug 25, 2018

It has been more than nine years since the last increase in the federal minimum wage, only the third time in 80 years since the Depression-era law was enacted that low-wage workers have waited that long for a raise. ... Supporters of Proposition B on the November ballot think Missourians are ready to act again to approve a series of increases that would set the rate at $12 per hour beginning Jan. 1, 2023. ...

The raises included in Proposition B will reduce turnover, attract new workers to the labor force and put more money into circulation, [Raise Up Missouri spokesman Tony] Wyche said. “[T]hat will put money in worker’s pockets... They are going to spend it at stores and businesses in communities for things they need. That is good all the way around.”


Bob Goodrich, who owns the Forum 8 in Columbia and the Capital 8 in Jefferson City, as well as theaters in four other states, said he thinks a minimum wage increase will be good for his business. All his theaters except those in Indiana are in states with minimum wages above the federal minimum.

Goodrich employs about 1,500 part-time workers and 150 full-time. He said he expects he would have to raise ticket prices by 25 cents to cover the additional payroll.

“I think that is true of most restaurants and retail stores, that they could slightly adjust their price to cover a modest increase in income,” Goodrich said. ...

“I just want people to have enough income they aren’t living stressful lives,” he said, giving one reason.

“I am hoping the minimum wage, perhaps a little selfishly, will give people more disposable income and they might be able to go to the movies now and again,” he said. ...

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